Bible Encyclopedias
McPheeters, Samuel Brown, D.D.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a Presbyterian minister, was born at Raleigh, N.C., September 18, 1819. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1841; studied law; graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1843; was ordained evangelist in 1848; became pastor of the Pine Street Church, St. Louis, Missouri, in 1851, and in 1861 of Mulberry Presbyterian Church, Shelby County, Kentucky, where he died, March 9, 1870. See Genesis Cat. of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1881, page 141.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'McPheeters, Samuel Brown, D.D.'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​m/mcpheeters-samuel-brown-dd.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.