Bible Encyclopedias
Mead, Matthew

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

an English divine, was born in Buckinghamshire in 1629. Of his early history we know but little. He first came prominently into public notice during the Cromwellian movement. Mead identified himself with the cause of the Independents, and was appointed by the Protector to the living of Shadwell in 1658. Four years later he was ejected for nonconformity, and removed to Holland, in common with .many other ministers of that age. He became acquainted with the duke of Orange, and was greatly favored by him and the States. Afterwards he returned to England, and gathered about. him one of the largest congregations in London. He settled at Stepney as pastor of a dissenting congregation in 1674, and the community betokened their love and esteem for him by presenting him with building material for a new chapel. He died in 1699. Matthew Mead, whom his friend and associate, Howe (Funeral Sermon for Mead), describes as "that very reverend and most laborious servant of Chris," was as indefatigable in Christian work as he was. amiable in spirit, and, in consequence of his mild temperament and the moderation of his opinions, formed the strongest personal link between the Presbyterians and Independents of England in the second half of the 17th century. Among his publications are, The Almost Christian, or seven sermons on Acts 26:28 (Loud. 1666, 8vo): - The Almost Christian Discovered (1684, 4to; Glasgow, 1755, 12mo; with Essay by Dr. Young of Perth, Lond. 1825; 1849, 12mo):-Life and Death of Nathaniel Mather (1689, 8vo):-Vision of the Wheels sermon on Ezekiel 10:13 (1689, 4to). See Calamy, Nonconformists; Skeats, Hist. of the Free Churches of England, p. 167 Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Auth. 2:1257.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Mead, Matthew'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​m/mead-matthew.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.