Bible Encyclopedias
Monroe, Jonathan

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

an American Methodist minister, was born in Annapolis, Maryland, June 11, 1801; joined the Baltimore Conference, and was appointed to Alleghany Circuit in 1825; in 1826, to Concord; in 1827 he was ordained deacon by bishop Soule, and appointed to Shamoken; in 1828, to Lewistown; in 1829 he was ordained elder by bishop M'Kendree, and appointed to Concord; in 1830, to Gettysburg; in 1831, to Shrewsbury; in 1833, to Patapsco; in 1835, to Calvert; in 1837, to Lewistown; in 1839, to Warrior's Mark; in 1841, to Huntingdon; in 1843, to Bedford; in 1845, to Westminster; in 1847, to Liberty; in 1849, to Montgomery; in 1850, to Gettysburg; in 1852, to Mechanicsburg; in 1854, to Mercersburg; in 1856, to East Hartford; in 1858, to Great Falls; in 1859, to Hereford; in 1861, to Westminster; in 1863, to Emmitsburg; and in 1864 he became supernumerary, and retired to Westminster, Carroll County, Md., where he died, December 4, 1869. His Christian virtues, uniform piety, and devotion to his calling demonstrated the power of divine grace in his life, and endeared him to all who knew him. See Minutes of Baltimore Conference for 1870.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Monroe, Jonathan'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​m/monroe-jonathan.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.