Bible Encyclopedias
Robinson, Benjamin

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a learned Presbyterian minister, was born at Derby, England, in 1666. He became pastor at Findern. Derbyshire, in 1688, from which place he removed to Hungerford, Berkshire. He was settled at Little St. Helen's, London, in 1700, and died in 1724. He wrote, A Review of the Causes of Liturgies, etc. (Lond. 1710, 8vo): Letter to Thomas Bennet in Defense of the Review (ibid. 1710, 8vo). See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Auth. s.v.; Darling, Cyclop. Bibliog. s.v.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Robinson, Benjamin'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​r/robinson-benjamin.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.