Bible Encyclopedias
Subchanter, or Succentor

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

the deputy of the precentor, the principal among the vicars in choir. The precentor sat on the right-hand side of the choir, and the succentor on the left. His office was usually the gift of the chapter; occasionally, however, he was nominated by the precentor. There were two kinds of subchanters:

1. The succentor of canons, or succentormajor (first mentioned in the 11th century), at York, Bayeux, Paris, Amiens, Glasgow, Chalons, Girgenti, Wells, and Salisbury, acted as precentor's deputy with. regard to the canons; he ranks, after the subdean, and the office was given by the diocesan. At Amiens he installs canons in the lower stalls; at Rouen he holds a prebend and regulates processions; he is often called prichantre in distinction from the grand chantre.

2. A vicar, deputy, and assistant precentor. At Seville and Placentia and in England he tabled the ministers for service; at Chichester and Hereford he chastised the boys, and ordinarily his duties were confined to ordering processions, delating offenders, and general supervision of the lower choir; he could not correct a canon. His office appears at Chichester and St.. David's in the 13th century; he corresponds to the precentor of the new foundations. At Lichfield and St. David's the subchanter is head of the Vicar's. College.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Subchanter, or Succentor'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​s/subchanter-or-succentor.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.