Bible Encyclopedias
Willison (or Willisone), John

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

Willison (or Willisone), John

a divine of the Church of Scotland, was born in 1680; became minister at Brechin in 1703, and in 1716 at Dundee, where he remained until his death, May 3, 1750. He was the author of, Examples of Plain Catechising (1737): Sacramental Directory; or, a Treatise Concerning the Sanctification of a Communion Sabbath (1745): Afflicted Man's Companion (1755): Sacramental Meditations and Advices (1769): Sacramental Catechism: Christian Scripture Directory: Free and Impartial Testimony to the Church of Scotland. and other works. An edition of his Works was published in Aberdeen in 1769, and other editions have since appeared, including his later publications. See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, 3:693, 813; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Willison (or Willisone), John'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​w/willison-or-willisone-john.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.