Bible Encyclopedias

The Nuttall Encyclopedia

A son of Apollo, the guardian divinity of the vine and olive, of hunters and herdsmen; first taught the management of bees, some of which stung Eurydice to death, whereupon the nymphs, companions of Orpheus, her husband, set upon his bees and destroyed them. In this extremity Aristæus applied to Proteus, who advised him to sacrifice four bullocks to appease the manes of Eurydice; this done, there issued from the carcasses of the victims a swarm of bees, which reconciled him to the loss of the first ones.

Bibliography Information
Wood, James, ed. Entry for 'Arist�`us'. The Nuttall Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​nut/​a/aristaus.html. Frederick Warne & Co Ltd. London. 1900.