Bible Encyclopedias

The Nuttall Encyclopedia

Prussian field-marshal, familiarly named "Marshal Forwards," born at Rostock; served first in the Swedish army, then in the Prussian; distinguished as a leader of cavalry, and met with varying fortune; at the age of 70 commanded the centre of the Allied Army in 1813; distinguished himself at Lützen and Leipzig; pursued the French across the Rhine; pressed forward to Paris at the time of Napoleon's abdication; defeated by Napoleon at Ligny, 16th June 1815; arrived on the field of Waterloo just as the French were preparing to make their last charge, and contributed to decide the fate of the day (1742-1819).

Bibliography Information
Wood, James, ed. Entry for 'Blücher'. The Nuttall Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​nut/​b/bla14cher.html. Frederick Warne & Co Ltd. London. 1900.