Bible Encyclopedias
Borgia, C�sar

The Nuttall Encyclopedia

Fourth son of Pope Alexander VI.; was made cardinal at the age of 17, an honour he relinquished to become a soldier, in which capacity it is alleged he gave himself up to deeds of inhumanity, which have made his name a synonym for every action that is most crafty, revolting, and cruel; a portrait of him by Raphael, in the Borghese gallery, is a masterpiece. Notwithstanding the execration in which his memory is held, he is reputed to have been just as a ruler in his own domain, and a patron of art and literature; d . 1507.

Bibliography Information
Wood, James, ed. Entry for 'Borgia, C�sar'. The Nuttall Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​nut/​b/borgia-casar.html. Frederick Warne & Co Ltd. London. 1900.