Bible Encyclopedias
Roland de La Platière, Jean Marie

The Nuttall Encyclopedia

Husband of Madame Roland, was Inspector of Manufactures at Lyons; represented Lyons in the Constituent Assembly; acted with the Girondists; fled when the Girondist party fled, and on hearing of his wife's fate at Rouen bade farewell to his friends who had sheltered him, and was found next morning "sitting leant against a tree, stiff in the rigour of death, a cane-sword run through his heart" (1732-1793).

Bibliography Information
Wood, James, ed. Entry for 'Roland de La Platière, Jean Marie'. The Nuttall Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​nut/​r/roland-de-la-platiare-jean-marie.html. Frederick Warne & Co Ltd. London. 1900.