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Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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?ob 'elem, Joseph

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

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French Talmudist, Bible commentator, and "payye?an"; lived in the middle of the eleventh century. Of his life nothing is known but that he came from Narbonne, and was rabbi of Limoges in the province of Anjou (see Jacob Tam's "Sefer ha-Yashar," ed. Rosenthal, p. 90, and ed. Vienna, p. 74b; the passage is badly corrupted).

The activity of Bonfils was manysided. A number of his decisions which earned the high esteem of his contemporaries and of posterity are to be found in the "Mordecai." These passages are enumerated in Kohn's "Mordecai b. Hillel," p. 137; in Ma?zor Vitry, and in many other codices and compendiums. Among his numerous legal decisions one deserving mention is that pronouncing money won in play an illegal possession, and compelling the winner to return it ("Haggahot Mordecai," upon Sanh. pp. 722, 723). Another important decision ordered a lighter tax on the Jewish farmer than on the merchant, for the reason that agriculture was less profitable than trade ("Mordecai," B. B. 1:481). Little is known of the collections of his responsa mentioned in Moses Alashkar's Responsa (ed. Sabbionetta, No. 60, p. 121a; No. 100, p. 162a), or of his collection of the responsa of the Geonim. His Bible commentaries, mentioned by some of the old writers, have also disappeared.

Bonfils devoted himself to restoring the correct texts of older works, especially the Masorah�works of the Geonim. His critical notes upon Judah's "Halakot Gedolot" and the "Seder Tannaim we-Amoraim" show marked departures from the current text.

As a Payye?an.

The ability and activity of Bonfils are best judged from his contributions to the poetry of the synagogue, no less than sixty-two of his piyyu?im occupying prominent places in the French, German, and Polish liturgies. These compositions show that he was more than an ordinary poet (Zunz) among the Franco-German payye?anim of his time. Few equaled him in beauty of imagery and facility of expression. The poetry of the synagogue is furthermore deeply indebted to Bonfils for the introductionof the piyyu?im into the prayers, in face of great opposition. Of his many piyyu?im, the best-known is that written for the "Great Sabbath" (Sabbath before Passover), beginning with the words "Elohei ha-ru?ot," and containing the rules for the Passover-cleaning ("bi'ur") and the narrative service for the evening. The importance of Bonfils is shown by the fact that the Tosafists in many places occupy themselves with the explanation of obscure points in this piyyu?. Samuel b. Solomon of Falaise, a French Tosafist, composed a commentary upon it.

Joseph Bonfils must not be confused, as he is by Azulai, with another scholar of the same name, who lived in 1200 and corresponded with Sim?ah of Speyer (Responsa of Me�r b. Baruch of Rottenburg. ed. Cremona, No. 148).

  • Azulai. Shem ha-Gedolim, 1:40a:
  • Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, pp. 472, 473;
  • Gross, Gallia Judaica, pp. 308, 309;
  • Landshuth, 'Ammude ha-'Abodah, pp. 96-98;
  • Luzzatto, Bet ha-O?ar, pp. 46b, 55b;
  • Rapoport, Introduction to Cassell's ed. of the Responsa of the Geonim, pp. 4b, 6a, 7b;
  • Zunz, Literaturgesch. pp. 129-138;
  • idem, Z. G. p. 61;
  • idem, G. V., 2d ed., p. 403;
  • idem, S. P. pp. 179-180 (translation of a seli?ah);
  • Schorr, in He-?alu?, 8:139;
  • Neubauer, Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS. No. 1208, 3, containing a halakic treatise by Joseph ?-ob'Elem, who is probably identical with this Bonfils.
L. G.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for '?ob 'elem, Joseph'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia. https://www.studylight.org/​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/a1ob-elem-joseph.html. 1901.
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