Bible Encyclopedias
Ḥayyim Cohen

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Tunisian rabbi; lived in the second half of the nineteenth century, on the island of Djerba, near Tunis. He is the author of "Na'awah Ḳodesh" (Becoming Is Holiness), a commentary on the Song of Songs, Leghorn, 1872; "Mille Meḥayye" (The Vivifying Words), a commentary on the "Hosha'anot" of the Feast of Sukkot; "Miẓwot ha-Melek" (The Commandments of the King), a commentary on the "Azharot" of Ibn Gabirol; "Allon Bakut" (Oak of Weeping), a commentary on the elegies for the Ninth of Ab; "Moẓa' Sefateka" (The Outcome of Thy Lips), a commentary on the prayers (seliḥot) for the month of Elul; "Miḳra' Ḳodesh" (Holy Convocation), a commentary on the Song of Songs; "Zokrenu le Ḥayyim" (Remember Us for Life), a commentary on the Haggadah of the first nights of the Passover; and "Leb Shome'a" (Understanding Heart), elementary discussions of various subjects.

M. Fr.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Ḥayyim Cohen'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/aayyim-cohen.html. 1901.