Bible Encyclopedias
Arbib, Eduardo

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Italian deputy and author; born at Florence, July 27, 1840. On the death of his father he was obliged to discontinue his studies and earn his livelihood as compositor and correctorfor the press. In 1859 he enlisted as a volunteer in the Piedmontese regiment of Alpine chasseurs, and took part in the war for independence. The war over, he returned to the printing-house, which he left again to follow Garibaldi to Sicily in 1860. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant on the battle-field of Milazzo, and entered the regular army with the same grade. Arbib served in the campaign against Austria in 1866, and on the cessation of hostilities he retired from the army and found employment on the staff of "La Nazione," a newspaper published in Florence; subsequently he became editor-in-chief of the "Gazzetta del Popolo" in the same city. Ultimately he removed to Rome, where in 1870 he founded a daily newspaper, "La Libertà." His political career began in 1880, when he was elected by the citizens of Viterbo as their representative in the Chamber of Deputies; and some time later he was elected to the Chamber by the people of Perugia. His contributions to Italian literature are: (1) "L'Esercito Italiano alla Campagna del 1866"; (2) "Raconti Militari" (1870), in the "Biblioteca Amena" (vol. ); (3) "Guerra in Famiglia" (1871); (4) "La Moglie Nera" (1874); (5) "Rabagas Bandiere" (1878).

M. K.
F. H. V.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Arbib, Eduardo'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/arbib-eduardo.html. 1901.