Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

The name of several Palestinian amoraim and of one, probably Babylonian, amora. 1. Ashyan, "the Carpenter (Naggara)," of the third century, who handed down certain utterances of Johanan (Yer. 'Ab. Zarah 3:42b; Gen. R. 82:5, in which latter passage the name has been corrupted) 2. Amora in the fourth century, belonged to AḦa's circle, and handed down utterances of Jonah (Yer. Ter. 1:41a; Yer. Yoma 8:45b). 3. Ashyan bar Jakim, of the end of the third century, who belonged to Assi's circle (Yer. Yeb. 11:12a) and is perhaps identical with the Ashyan named in Ber. 14a, as the father of R. Isaac. 4. Ashyan b. Nidbak, probably of Babylonian origin, whose father-in-law, Yeba, transmitted an utterance of Rab (B. B. 22b), and who himself repeated another of Rab's teachings (Men. 29a, according to the better reading, Rabbinowicz, "Diḳduḳe Soferim," ad loc., note 60), while Zeira taught in his name (Yer. Meg. 1:71c, where Nidbah stands for Nidbak).

J. Sr.
W. B.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Aschian'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/aschian.html. 1901.