Bible Encyclopedias
Avé-Lallement, Frederick Christian Benedict

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Noted criminologist; born in Lübeck May 23, 1809; died there July 20, 1892. In his standard work, "Das Deutsche Gaunertum," Leipsic, 1858-62, he devotes a chapter to the Jews, in which he expresses views unfavorable to their morality. In the protracted struggle of the Jews of Lübeck for emancipation, Avé-Lallement ranged himself with their opponents. He claimed that the Jew had been a dangerous element in the economic development of the world, ever since the time of the Patriarchs. His nomadic nature and his commercialism prevented him from achieving anything tangible, even in those branches of science for which he showed decided talent. His articles appeared in the "Neue Lübeckische Blätter" for 1841 and in the "Volksbote" for 1850. They were answered by Gabriel Riesser.

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Avé-Lallement, Frederick Christian Benedict'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/avac-lallement-frederick-christian-benedict.html. 1901.