Bible Encyclopedias
B�dinger, Moses Israel ben Isaac

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Teacher at Metz at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth. He devoted himself to Hebrew grammar and literature and trained a large number of grammarians and writers of elegant Hebrew. B�dinger was the author of the following works, all published at Metz: "Em le-Mikra" (Mother of Reading), a manual of the Hebrew language, compiled from various elementary books, 1816;" "?anok le-Na'ar" (Train up the Child), an extract of the preceding work, 1816; "Iggeret Purim" (Essay on Purim), the ritual laws concerning the Feast of Purim, together with the roll of Esther, 1816; "Ma?zor," a commentary on the festival prayers, together with the text and a German translation by Prosper d'Alsace, in 9 vols., 1817; "Derush le-Bar Mi?wah" (Lecture for a Confirmee), with a German translation by Prosper d'Alsace, 1819, "Seli?ot," a commentary on the penitential prayers, together with the text, 1822.

In addition, B�dinger reedited the ethical work of Isaac Aboab, "Menorah ha-Maor," with the Hebrew commentary, "Nefesh Yehudah," and aJud�o-German translation by Moses Frankfurter, Metz, 1769.

I. Br.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'B�dinger, Moses Israel ben Isaac'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/ba14dinger-moses-israel-ben-isaac.html. 1901.