Bible Encyclopedias
Bauer, Marie-Bernard

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Chaplain of the Tuileries, Paris; born 1829 at Budapest, Hungary; died 1898. Through the Carmelite priest Augustin (whose actual name was Hermann Cohen), Bauer, after an adventurous youth in which he tried all sorts of m�tiers, including painting and photography, became a convert to Catholicism in Paris and a member of the Carmelite Order, which he, however, left later. He distinguished himself as a pulpit orator, first at Vienna, where he delivered a series of addresses, which were published (1866) under the title "Le Juda�sme Comme Preuve du Christianisme." Eventually he attained to the rank of a bishop. In 1867 he became father confessor to the Empress Eugenie. On Nov. 17, 1869, he delivered the dedicatory address at the opening of the Suez canal. After the downfall of the empire,Bauer exchanged the bishopric for the turf, and became a fancier of race-horses. Besides the lectures mentioned, he published a series of sermons, "Le But de la Vic" (1869), and a pamphlet, "Napol�on III. et l'Europe en 1867."

A. F.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Bauer, Marie-Bernard'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/bauer-marie-bernard.html. 1901.