Bible Encyclopedias
Benloew, Louis

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

French philologist; born at Erfurt Nov. 15, 1818; died at Dijon February, 1900. He studied at the universities of Berlin, Leipsic, and G�ttingen, and went to France in 1841, where he taught modern languages at Nantes and Bourges successively. He became librarian at the Sorbonne; received the degree of "Docteur �s Lettres" in 1847; was appointed professor of ancient literature at the University of Dijon in 1849; became dean of the faculty of that institution; and was pensioned in 1882. He was a knight of the Legion of Honor. Besides his graduation theses on the style of Sophocles compared with that of �schylus and Euripides ("De Sophocle� Dictionis Proprietate cum �schyli Euripidisque Dicendi Genere Comparata") and the accentuation of the Indo-European languages ("De l'Accentuation des Langues Indo-Europ�ennes"), Benloew was the author of the following works: "Aper�u G�n�ral de la Science Comparative des Langues," 1858; "Pr�cis d'une Th�orie des Rythmes," 1862; "Recherches sur l'Origine des Noms de Nombres Japh�tiques et S�mitiques," 1862; "Les S�mites � Ilion, ou la V�rit� sur la Guerre de Troie," 1863; "Essai sur l'Esprit des Litt�ratures," 1870; "Un Dernier Mot sur les Prosateurs," 1871; "La Gr�ce Avant les Grecs," 1877; "Analyse de la Langue Albanaise," 1879; "Les Lois de l'Histoire," 1881. He also published an edition of Sophocles, and, in collaboration with H. Weil, "Th�orie G�n�rale de l'Accentuation Latine," 1885.

J. W.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Benloew, Louis'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/benloew-louis.html. 1901.