Bible Encyclopedias
Bergèr, Samuel

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

French professor of Protestant theology; secretary and librarian of the Faculté de Théologie Protestante, Paris; born at Beaucourt, Haut-Rhin, May 2, 1843; brother of Philippe Bergèr. He attended the lectures on literature at the Sorbonne, and studied theology at the University of Strasburg, whence he graduated. Among Bergèr's writings the following are interesting for the study of the Bible: (1) "La Bible au XVI. Siècle; Etude sur I'Origine de la Critique," Paris, 1879; (2) "De Glossariis Biblicis Quibusdam Medii Ævi," Paris, 1879; (3) "La Bible Française au Moyen Age; Etudes sur les Anciennes Versions de la Bible Ecrites en Prose de la Langue d'Oïl," Paris, 1884: (4) "Histoire de la Vulgate," Paris, 1893.

I. Br.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Bergèr, Samuel'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/bergar-samuel.html. 1901.