Bible Encyclopedias
Bernard, Abraham

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Russian physician; born in 1762. He studied at London in 1789; practised medicine in Hasenpoth, Courland, Russia; became district physician in Shawli, government of Wilna; was subsequently appointed inspector of various military hospitals in Lithuania; and in 1809 was made chief surgeon of the hospital of Slonim. He also received the title of court councilor; practised at Mitau in 1810-11; and then settled in Moscow. He has published: "Gr�nde f�r die Inokulation; dem Lithauischen Landvolke Gewidmet," Mitau, 1799; "Observations sur l'Enterrement Pr�matur� des Juifs," Mitau, 1799; and a German translation of this last, under the title "Bemerkungen �ber das Fr�he Beerdigen der J�dischen Leichen," Mitau, 1802; "Medicinisch-Chirurgische Beobachtungen in den Kriegshospit�lern zu Kobrin und Slonim Gesammelt," n. d.; and "Behandlung eines Epidemischen Wurmfiebers, das im Jahr 1796 in Kurland Herrschte," in Hufeland's "Journal f�r Praktische Arzneikunde," 1797, 4:4, No. 5.

H. R.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Bernard, Abraham'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/bernard-abraham.html. 1901.