Bible Encyclopedias
Bertensohn, Lev Bernardovich

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Russian physician; born at Odessa Aug. 10, 1850; son of Bernard and nephew of Joseph Bertensohn. He graduated in 1867 from the Larin Gymnasium, St. Petersburg, and in 1872 from the St. Petersburg Medical Academy. He was assigned to duty in the clinical military hospital, under Eck and Eichwald. From 1876 to 1887 Bertensohn lectured at the Rozhdenstvenskaya Hospital on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In 1887 he was appointed, by the minister of crown domains, president of the commission for the improvement of the mineral springs system of the Caucasus. Bertensohn published his chief work on balneology in 1873, under the title "Mineralnye Vody, Gryazy, i Morskiya Kupanya v Rossii i Zagranitzei," being assisted therein by Dr. Voronikhim. Among his other works may be mentioned "Pseudoleukemia Prinyataya za Tif," 1879 (reprinted in German in "St. Petersburg Medicinische Wochenschrift," 1879, No. 12). Bertensohn also published in the "Meditzinski Vyestnik," in 1883, an article on Turgenef, who, in his closing years, was treated by Bertensohn. With Ivanov Bertensohn translated Kuntz's "Lehrbuch der Praktischen Medicin," and with Dr. Popov he issued a work on the Caucasian mineral waters, "K Voprosu ob Ustroistvye Kavkazskikh Mineralnikh Vod," 1887.

H. R.
V. R.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Bertensohn, Lev Bernardovich'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/bertensohn-lev-bernardovich.html. 1901.