Bible Encyclopedias
Bikayim, Me�r ben ?alifah

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Cabalist; lived in Turkey in the eighteenth century. He is the author of the following works: (1) "Golel Or" (Who Evolved Light), on metempsychosis, according to the teachings of Isaac Luria, ?ayyim Vital, and Azariah of Fano (Smyrna, 1737); (2) "Meore Or" (The Illuminators), a cabalistic commentary on the Pentateuch (Salonica, 1751); (3) "Me�r Bat 'Ayin" (Who Gives Light to the Apple of the Eye), explanations of the first volume of the "'En Ya'a?ob (Smyrna, 1755); (4) "Me�r la-Arez wela-Dorim" (Who Illuminates the Earth and Its Inhabitants), on the order of the Sabbatic sections (Salonica, 1747); (5) "Magen Abot" (The Shield of the Fathers), a cabalistic commentary on Pir?e Abot (Salonica, 1748); (6) "?arah Mi?rah" (An Accident Happened), on atonement for sexual impurities (Salonica, 1752).

I. Br.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Bikayim, Me�r ben ?alifah'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/bikayim-mea-r-ben-aalifah.html. 1901.