Bible Encyclopedias
Blumenstock von Halban, Leo

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Austrian physician; born at Cracow March 11, 1838; died there Feb. 28, 1897. Educated at the gymnasium and university of his native town and at the university at Vienna, he was graduated as doctor of medicine in 1862. He engaged in practise as a physician in Cracow, and became privat-docent in 1864 and in 1869 assistant professor in the faculty of law in the university of that city. In 1881 he was appointed to the chair of forensic medicine in the same university by the medical faculty. He held also the position of "Landesgerichtsarzt" (medical expert at the judicial court), and was raised to the nobility with the name "von Halban" in 1891. Blumenstock is the author of: "Zur Lehre von der Vergiftung Durch Cloakengas," in "Vierteljahresschrift f�r Gerichtliche Medizin," , 2d part; "Die Wreden-Wendtsche Ohrenprobe und Deren Bedeutung in Foro," in "Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift," 1875; "Tod Durch Dynamit," in Friedreich's "Bl�tter f�r Gerichtliche Medizin," 1876, 1877; "Ueber Aphasie," ib. 1878. He has also contributed many essays on forensic medicine to the Polish journals of Cracow, Lemberg, and Warsaw. From 1877 until his death he was editor of the Polish medical weekly "Przeglad Lekarski."

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Blumenstock von Halban, Leo'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/blumenstock-von-halban-leo.html. 1901.