Bible Encyclopedias
Boas, Eduard

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German author and traveler; born at Landsberg-on-the-Warthe Jan. 1, 1815; died there June, 1853. He was destined for a commercial career by his parents; and, for the purpose of acquiring a knowledge of international trade methods, was sent through southern Europe. Instead of turning the voyage to this account, Boas utilized the experience and knowledge gained in writing sketches, novels, and other literary productions. His first effort in this direction, "Deutsche Dichter," was published in 1837, followed three years later by "Nachtr�ge zu Schiller's S�mmtlichen Werken." The next year he published a similar work on Goethe, and followed this in a few months by "Des Kriegscommiss�r Pipitz Reisen nach Italien"�a comic romance revealing considerable talent. In 1842 he wrote "Spr�che und Lieder eines Indischen Brahmanen"; and in 1844 "Pepita," a novel, and "In Skandinavien." His other works are: "Reisebl�then aus der Oberwelt"; "Reisebl�then aus der Sternenwelt"; and "Schiller und Goethe im Xenienkampf," 1852.

E. Ms.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Boas, Eduard'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/boas-eduard.html. 1901.