Bible Encyclopedias
Brainin, Ruben

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hebrew publicist and biographer; born in Russia in the last half of the nineteenth century; is now (1902) living in Berlin. At different times Brainin contributed to "Ha-Meli?," "Ha-?efirah," "Ha-Maggid," and "Ha-Shiloa?." In 1895 he issued a periodical under the title "Mi-Mizra? u-Mi-Ma-arab" (From East and West), of which only four numbers appeared.

Brainin is the author of several pamphlets, the most important of which are his sketch of Pere? Smolenskin's life and works, Warsaw, 1896; and a translation of M. Lazarus' essay on Jeremiah, Warsaw, 1897. He has also written about one hundred biographical sketches of modern Jewish scholars and writers.

To "A?iasaf" Brainin has contributed the following articles: "Ilane Sra?" (Barren Trees) (1:32); "Bar ?alafta" (2:71); "Dappim Me?u??a'im" (Loose Leaves) (5:120). He has also contributed to the same periodical the following biographical sketches: M. Lazarus (4:214); M. G�demann (4:219); Theodore Herzl (5:222); Israel Zangwill (5:233); and Max Nordau (5:247).

H. R.
I. G. D.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Brainin, Ruben'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/brainin-ruben.html. 1901.