Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Town in northeastern Bohemia. Its Jewish community, one of the oldest in the province, was formerly one of the largest in Bohemia; it is first mentioned, under the name of , in documents dated 1546. The communal records begin in 1562. A synagogue, modeled after the Meisel Synagogue at Prague, was built in the eighteenth century. An old cemetery contains the grave of Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg, who died at Jung-Bunzlau in 1632.

The first rabbi of whom there is record was Samuel b. Joseph of Lublin, author of "Le?em Rab" (published in 1609 with an approbation by L�w b. Bezaleel, chief rabbi of Prague). He was followed by Abraham Samuel b. Isaac Bacharach. Succeeding rabbis were: ?ayyim Feibel, son-in-law of Isaiah Horowitz, and the compiler of the variants to Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch; Eliezer Lipmann, son of Wolf Graetz (1679); Moses Isaac Spira (until about 1712; d. 1749), father-in-law of Jonathan Eybesch�tz; Moses Brandeis ha-Levi, a descendant of L�w b. Bezaleel; his son Bezaleel, who, like his father, was district rabbi of Bunzlau (died June 4, 1767, in early manhood, his work "?edah Baruk," Prague, 1786, being published posthumously); Eliezer Bondy, district rabbi of Bechin and Bunzlau (d. 1804); Ezekiel Glogau ("Schlesinger"; d. 1821), who was called by Napoleon I. to the Sanhedrin of Paris, and thereby became involved in political difficulties; author of "Mar'eh Ye?ez?el" (Prague, 1822); Isaac Spitz, called in 1824 (d. May 6, 1842), son-in-law of Eleazar Fleckeles and grandfather of the poet Moritz Hartmann; and District Rabbi Isaac Elbogen (d. 1883).

With the death of the last-named the title of district rabbi ceased, and the succeeding incumbents�Alexander Kisch, at present (1904) rabbi of the Meisel Synagogue in Prague; Moritz Gr�nwald (d. 1895 as chief rabbi of Bulgaria); and M. Klotz, who held the office until 1901�have borne the title of rabbi.

In 1903 there were in Jung-Bunzlau 135 Jewish families in a total population of 13,479.

A. Kr.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Bunzlau'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/bunzlau.html. 1901.