Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

The fruit of the grape-vine. The general Hebrew term for ripe grapes when not in clusters is (Gen. 10-11), and of grapes in clusters, (Numbers 13:23). There are other terms for different kinds of grapes and for grapes in different stages of development; as for unripe or sour grapes (Isaiah 18:5); for wild grapes (Isaiah 5:2,4); for grapes that fall off when ripe (Leviticus 19:10); for gleaned grapes (Judges 8:2); for dried grapes or raisins (1 Samuel 25:18; 2 Samuel 16:1). According to R. Judah, and (Numbers 6:4) respectively represent the skin and the seed of the grape; but according to R. Jose, whose interpretation has been accepted by later commentators, is the skin, the seed (Naz. 34b). A word which has given rise to discussion is (Song of Solomon 2:13,15; 7:12). According to Gesenius ("Th."), who is followed by other commentators, it means "grape-blossom," while Ibn Jana? and David ?im?i thought it meant the young grape which appears immediately after the opening of the blossom (see Rubens Duval in "R. E. J." 14:277 et seq.). R. Jose, prohibiting the "semadar" in the first three years, likewise considered it as a fruit ('Orlah 1:7).

Grapes are referred to in the Bible and Talmud in symbolical senses. As grapes can not be found after vintage, neither can the good and upright man be discovered by diligent searching in Israel (Micah 7:1,2). "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's t?eth are set on edge" (Ezekiel 18:2); "When the vintagers come to thee they will not leave even the grape-gleanings" (Jeremiah 49:9, Hebr.); that is, when the enemy comes he will carry off everything. A man who marries his daughter to a scholar ("talmid ?akam") is like one who mingles vine grapes with vine grapes, but he who marries his daughter to an ignorant man ("'am ha-are?") is like one who mingles vine grapes with the berries of the thorn-bush (Pes. 49a). According to R. Aibu, the forbidden fruit which Eve ate was that of the vine (Gen. R. 19:8).

M. Sel.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Vine'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​v/vine.html. 1901.