Bible Encyclopedias
Cohen, Jacob Da Silva Solis

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Amerrican laryngologist; born in New York city Feb. 28, 1838. He was educated at the Central High School of Philadelphia, the Jefferson Medical College, and the University of Pennsylvania, receiving from the last named in 1860 the degree of doctor of medicine. In the same year he was appointed one of the resident physicians of the Philadelphia Hospital. At the outbreak of the Civil war he joined the United States army as a private. He was soon appointed assistant surgeon of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. After having served with his regiment in Hooker's brigade, he resigned from the army to become acting assistant surgeon in the United States navy, which position he held from 1861 to 1864, serving on the U. S. steamers "Florida" and "Stettin," and the U. S. ship "Vermont."

In 1864 he rejoined the army as visiting surgeon to two military hospitals in Philadelphia. At the end of the war he went to New York, and afterward to Philadelphia, where he established himself as a physician (1866), paying special attention to the diseases of the throat and lungs. He is at present (1902) one of the leading laryngologists.

In 1867 Cohen was appointed lecturer on electro-therapeutics at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, with which institution he was connected till 1883, when he became honorary professor of laryngology. In the same year he was elected professor in the Philadelphia Polyclinic. He had also been attached, since 1873, to the staffs of the German Hospital, the Home for Consumptives, the Northern Dispensary, and the Jewish Hospital in that city.

Cohen is a prolific writer, and has contributed many monographs to the medical journals. He was for a number of years one of the editors of the "Archives of Laryngology," and is at present in charge of the laryngological department of the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences." He has written "Diseases and Injuries," in the "International Encyclopedia of Surgery," New York, 1884 and 1886; and "The Diseases of the Mouth, Tongue, Pharynx, and �sophagus," in the "American System of the Practice of Medicine," Philadelphia, 1885. He is also the author of "Inhalation in the Treatment of Disease: Its Therapeutics and Practice," Philadelphia, 1867, 2d ed. 1876; "Diseases of the Throat and Nasal Passages," New York, 1872, 5th ed. 1879; "Croup in Its Relation to Tracheotomy," Philadelphia, 1874 (translated into Spanish, Seville, 1887); "The Throat and Voice," Philadelphia, 1874, and continuously reprinted to date.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Cohen, Jacob Da Silva Solis'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​c/cohen-jacob-da-silva-solis.html. 1901.