Bible Encyclopedias
Comprat Vidal Ferussol

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Liturgical poet; born at Avignon; grandson of Vitalis Farissol, one of the three chief bailiffs of Avignon in 1400. He was a pupil of Solomon ben Menahem, or "Frat Maimon," under whose supervision he composed in 1422, at the age of seventeen, a commentary to Judah ha-Levi's "Cuzari" entitled "Bet Ya'a?ob." Jacob ben ?ayyim is doubtless identical with the liturgical poet mentioned by Zunz ("Literaturgesch." p. 525) under the name of "Comprad Farissol," who flourished at Avignon in 1453. The name "Farissol" was a very common one among the Jews of Provence. It is found at Montpellier in 1306 (Saige, "Les Juifs du Languedoc," p. 128), at Perpignan in 1413 ("R. E. J." 14:67), and at Avignon in 1451, 1465-80, and 1558 (Bayle, "Les M�decins d'Avignon au Moyen Age," p. 54; Gross, "Gallia Judaica," p. 11; "R. E. J." 14:67,89).

S. K.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Comprat Vidal Ferussol'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​c/comprat-vidal-ferussol.html. 1901.