Bible Encyclopedias
Erlanger, Jules

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

French composer; born at Weissenburg, Alsace, 1830; died at Brussels 1895; son of Israel Süsskind Erlanger, rabbi at Weissenburg, and brother of Michel Erlanger, of the Consistory of Paris; a graduate from the conservatory of music at Paris, and one of the founders of the Society of Authors and Dramatic Composers. From 1859 to 1861 he wrote several operettas for the Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens—"L'Arbre de Robinson," "Les Dames de Cœur Volant," and "La Servante à Nicolas." He then, however, abandoned the musical profession and went into business, from that time composing sacred music only. Durlacher, in Paris, published in 1891 a "Recueil de Dix Morceaux Exécutés dans les Synagogues de France et de Belgique." Four collections of Erlanger's posthumous works were published in Brussels in 1903, one containing sacred music and three secular. He was one of the founders of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, and until his death president of the Alliance Committee for Belgium.

A. Bl.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Erlanger, Jules'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​e/erlanger-jules.html. 1901.