Bible Encyclopedias
F�rst, Julius (2)

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German rabbi; born at Mannheim Nov. 14, 1826; died there Sept. 5, 1899. He received his secular education at the University of Heidelberg, and became rabbi at Endingen (1854), at Merchingen (1857), and district rabbi at Bayreuth (1858). In 1873 F�rst received a call as rabbi to Mayence, but in June of the same year returned to his native city, where for twenty years he was active as rabbi of the Klaussynagoge. His principal literary activity was in the province of Hebrew lexicography, and he has published on this subject many valuable essays in Rahmer's "J�d. Lit. Blatt," in the "Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl�ndischen Gesellschaft," in the "R. E. J.," in the "Monatsschrift," etc. He contributed to Winter and W�nsche's "Die J�dische Literatur" the account of the Midrashim, Mekilta, Sifra, Sifre, Tan?uma, and Yelammedenu. Beside many sermons F�rst published "Das Peinliche Rechtsverfahren im J�dischen Alterthum: Ein Beitrag zur Entscheidung der Frage �ber Aufhebung der Todesstrafe" (Heidelberg, 1870), and "Glossarium Gr�co-Hebr�um" (Strasburg, 1890). In the "Glossarium" F�rst treated of the Greek words in midrashic literature, showing a marked tendency toward ascribing to them a Greek origin.

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'F�rst, Julius (2)'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​f/fa14rst-julius-2.html. 1901.