Bible Encyclopedias
Fr�nkel, Ludwig F.

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German physician; born May 23, 1806, at Berlin; died there July 6, 1872. He received his education at the University of Berlin, from which he graduated in 1830, in the same year becoming physician in that city, with water-cure as his specialty. In 1840 he was called to Ebersdorf, in the principality of Reuss, as chief physician of the water-cure hospital; but he remained there only four years, when he removed to Magdeburg, Prussia, where he practised until 1848. He then became chief physician of the water-cure hospital in Berlin (Heilanstalt der Wasserfreunde), resigning this position in 1867 on account of his extensive private practise.

From 1856 to 1857 Fr�nkel edited in Berlin the "Journal f�r Naturgem�sse Gesundheitspflege und Heilkunde, mit Besonderer Beziehung zur Wasserheilkunde." He has published essays in "Jahresbericht des Vereins der Wasserfreunde" and "Medizinische Centralzeitung," and has written the following separate works: "Die Specielle Physiologie," Berlin, 1839; "Aerztliche Bemerkungen �ber die Anwendung des Kalten Wassers in Chronischen Krankheiten," ib. 1840; "Das Wesen und die Heilung der Hypochondrie," ib. 1842; "Arznei oder Wasser?" Magdeburg, 1848; "Behandlung der Fieberhaften Hautausschl�ge und der Prim�ren Syphilis mit Wasser," Berlin, 1850.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Fr�nkel, Ludwig F.'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​f/frankel-ludwig-f.html. 1901.