Bible Encyclopedias
Frankl-Gr�n, Adolf

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Austrian rabbi; born at Ungarisch-Brod, Moravia, Jan. 21, 1847. He received his education at the schools of his native town, at Leipnik, and at Eisenstadt (Hungary), where he became teacher of Hebrew at Dr. Hildesheimer's rabbinical school. He then attended the universities of Breslau and Jena and the theological seminary at Breslau, receiving in 1877 the degree of doctor of philosophy from Jena and the rabbinical degree from Breslau. In the same year he became rabbi at Kremsier, Austria, and religious teacher at both colleges of that city. He still (1903) occupies both positions.

He is the author of several volumes of sermons and has written numerous essays. His principal works are: "Die Ethik des Juda Hallewi," 1885; "Geschichte der Juden in Kremsier," 3 vols., 1896; "Varianten in Parallelen der Bibel"; and "J�dische Zeitgeschichte und Zeitgenossen," Vienna, 1903.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Frankl-Gr�n, Adolf'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​f/frankl-gra14n-adolf.html. 1901.