Bible Encyclopedias
Friedl�nder, Friedrich

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Genre painter; born Jan. 10, 1825, at Kohljanowitz, Bohemia. He studied at the Vienna Academy, and later under Professor Waldm�ller, and visited Italy in 1850, D�sseldorf in 1852, and finally Paris. He devoted himself at first to historical pictures, creating a genuine sensation with his painting entitled "The Death of Tasso." Since 1854 he has painted genre pictures exclusively, taking his subjects chiefly from military life and the local life of Vienna. His scenes from Swabian folk-life are also justly celebrated.

The following are a few of Friedl�nder's best productions:"People Pouring out of a Public Building into the Street," 1859 (Imperial Gallery, Vienna); "The Politician in the Workshop," 1863; "The Incendiary Caught in the Act," 1864; "The Evening Hour," 1865; "The Pawnbroker's Shop," 1866 (now in the possession of the Duke of Coburg); "The Wine-Test," 1866; "The New Comrade," 1868; "The Invalids," 1871; "The Declaration of Love," 1872; and "The Strawberry-Venders," 1872 (Imperial Gallery, Vienna). Since 1866 he has been a member of the Vienna Academy; in 1865 he received the Order of Francis Joseph and the Bavarian Order of Michael, and in 1867 the gold medal with crown for merit. He has recently been elevated to the nobility with the suggestive title of "Von Mahlheim." Many of his paintings are in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna.

J. So.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Friedl�nder, Friedrich'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​f/friedlander-friedrich.html. 1901.