Bible Encyclopedias
Friedl�nder, Ludwig

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German philologist; born at K�nigsberg July 16, 1824. He studied at the universites of K�nigsberg and Leipsic from 1841 to 1845. In 1847 he became privat-docent of classical philology at K�nigsberg, in 1856 assistant professor, and in 1858 professor. He retired in 1892 to Strasburg, where he is honorary professor at the university. His chief work is "Darstellungen aus der Sittengesch. Rom's in der Zeit von August bis zum Ausgang der Antonine" (3 vols., 1862-71; 6th ed., 1889-90). This work is considered one of the most noteworthy philological productions of the nineteenth century (translated into French by Ch. Vogel, Paris, 1865-74, and into Italian and Hungarian). Friedl�nder's other publications include: "Nicanoris ???? ??????? ??????? Reliqui� Emendatiores" (1850); "Ueber den Kunstsinn der R�mer in der Kaiserzeit" (1852); "Aristonici Alexandrini ???? ??????? ??????? Reliqui� Emendatiores" (1853); "Die Homerische Kritik von Wolf bis Grote" (1853). He edited and annotated Martial (2 vols., 1886); Petronius' "Cena Trimalchionis" (with translation, 1891); and Juvenal (1895). Friedl�nder has embraced Christianity.

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Friedl�nder, Ludwig'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​f/friedlander-ludwig.html. 1901.