Bible Encyclopedias
Friedman, L�b Behr (Aryeh Dob)

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Author and pedagogue; born in 1865 at Suwalki, Russian Poland. He was educated at Boskowitz, Moravia, afterward removing to Warsaw, where he became one of the promoters of Zionism, founding there, in conjunction with R. Samuel Mohilever, a Zionist society. In 1892 he went to America and became the editor of "Ha-'Ibri." Friedman has written a considerable number of school-books and other works, among which may be mentioned: "Ha-Padegug ha-'Ibri"; "Allufe Yisrael," biographies of the Talmudists; "Shul?an 'Aruk li-Bene ha-Ne'urim," a book on rabbinic law for the young, in Jud�o-German; "Li??u?im Nifla'im," stories from the Talmud; "Talmudische Perlen"; "Rabbis of Ancient Times" (in collaboration with Fromenson); "Maxims and Proverbs of Bible and Talmud." He has written also various novels and articles for Hebrew journals.

H. Ma.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Friedman, L�b Behr (Aryeh Dob)'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​f/friedman-lapb-behr-aryeh-dob.html. 1901.