Bible Encyclopedias
Graes, Ortuin de

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Anti-Jewish writer of the sixteenth century; born at Holtwick in Westphalia in 1491; died at Cologne May 21, 1542. He was the son of a priest, and became one of the chiefs of the Dominican party in Cologne. Ortuin was a rabid Jew-hater, and wrote much against the Jews. He took sides with Pfefferkorn during the latter's controversy with Reuchlin, and with the assistance of Victor von Karben, a baptized Jew, wrote "De Vita et Moribus Jud�orum" (1504); he afterward translated it into German. This book is a fanatical diatribe against Jews and Judaism. Ortuin translated Pfefferkorn's anti-Jewish writings into Latin.

A. M. F.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Graes, Ortuin de'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​g/graes-ortuin-de.html. 1901.