Bible Encyclopedias
Grozovski, Judah Löb ben Isaiah Reuben

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Russian Hebraist; born at Pogosti, government of Minsk, in 1861. After having attended the yeshibah of Volozhin, Grozovski studied pedagogics in the Institute for Hebrew Teachers at Wilna. When twenty-seven years of age, he went to Palestine, teaching Hebrew in various places; in 1896 he received an appointment as teacher of Hebrew in the agricultural school of Jaffa. Three years later he removed to the Miḳweh Yisrael colony, and filled the same office there. Grozovski published a series of text-books, among which are: "Bet ha-Sefer li-Bene Yisrael," Jerusalem, 1891;"Sha'ashu'im," ib. 1891; "Bet Sefer 'Ibri," three graded courses in Hebrew, 1895-97; and "Millon," Hebrew-Russian-German dictionary, Warsaw, 1900.

M. Fr.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Grozovski, Judah Löb ben Isaiah Reuben'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​g/grozovski-judah-lapb-ben-isaiah-reuben.html. 1901.