Bible Encyclopedias
Herczel, Man� de Szentp�teri

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hungarian physician; born in Szegedin July 1, 1861; studied successively in his native city, in Ujvid�k, in Budapest, in Vienna, in Strasburg, and in Paris. After having taken his degree of M.D. (1884), he practised for two years in Nothnagel's clinic in Vienna, and was thereafter for five years assistant to Czerny at Heidelberg, where in 1889 he became privat-docent in surgery. In 1892 he was appointed chief of the Szt. Istv�n Hospital in Budapest. His specialty is the treatment of diseases of the kidneys.

Herczel is the author of the following works: "Ueber die Wirkung des Anilin, Acetanilin und Kampheranilin," Vienna, 1887; "Ueber Operative Behandlung der Nierensteine," Vienna, 1887; "Ueber die Operative Fixation der Wanderniere," Vienna, 1892; "Ueber Grosse Defecte der Blasen-Scheidewand," Vienna, 1894.

In 1902 Herczel was elevated by Emperor Francis Joseph I. to the Hungarian nobility, and he assumed the name of "Szentp�teri."

L. V.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Herczel, Man� de Szentp�teri'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​h/herczel-mana3-de-szentpacteri.html. 1901.