Bible Encyclopedias
Hirschel, Levi Elias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German physician; born Oct. 8, 1741, at Berlin; died there Dec. 17, 1772; educated at the Joachimsthalsche Gymnasium in his native town and at the University of Halle (M.D. 1763). He practised medicine for two years in Berlin, then removed to Posen, and in 1770 traveled through Germany, returning to Posen. Visiting Berlin in 1772, he died there.

Among Hirschel's works may be mentioned: "Betrachtung �ber den Innerlichen Gebrauch des Mercurii Sublimati Corrosi in den Venerischen Krankheiten, und des Schierlings," Berlin, 1763 and 1765; "Gedanken, die Heilungsart der Hinfallenden Sucht Betreffend," ib. 1767, 1770; French translation, Paris, 1769; "Gedanken von der Starrsucht," Berlin, 1769; "Vermischte Beobachtungen zur Arzneywissenschaft," ib. 1772.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Hirschel, Levi Elias'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​h/hirschel-levi-elias.html. 1901.