Bible Encyclopedias
Hirschmann, Henri Louis

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

French composer; born at Saint-Mand�, department of the Seine, April 30, 1873. He studied under Andr� Gedalge, and, for two years, under J. Massenet at the Paris Conservatoire. His chief works are: "Ahasuerus," an oratorio (crowned by the French Institute at the Concours Rossini, and performed at the concerts of the Paris Conservatoire Nov., 1892); a suite for orchestra in four parts (presented at the Op�ra Jan., 1896); "L'Amour � la Bastille," comic opera (crowned at the Concours Crescent; performed at the Op�ra Comique 1898); "Lovelace," opera in four acts (Th��tre Lyrique, 1898); five ballets: "La Favorite" (1898), "Folles Amours" (1899), "N�ron"(1899), "Les Sept P�ch�s Capitaux" (1890), "Les Mille et Une Nuits" (1899), all produced at the Th��tre de l'Olympia in Paris.

A. A. G.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Hirschmann, Henri Louis'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​h/hirschmann-henri-louis.html. 1901.