Bible Encyclopedias
Kornfeld, Hermann

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German physician; born at Posen 1840; son of the Talmudist Samuel ben Naḥman Kornfeld and grandson of R. Akiba Eger. He received his education at Breslau, Berlin, and Vienna, taking his degree in 1863. Until 1871 he was physician at a hospital in Breslau; since 1901 he has been "Landgerichtsarzt."

Kornfeld is the author of: "Paralyse der Irren beim Weiblichen Geschlecht" (1877); "Sitz der Geistesstörungen" (1878); "Ueber Natürlichen und Abnormen Tod" (1879); "Handbuch der Gerichtlichen Medicin" (1884); "Die Entmündigung der Geisteskranken" (1901). The last-named work has an appendix showing that the circulation of the blood must have been known to the ancient Hebrews. In two articles, "Was Sollen Wir Essen?" and "Ueber die Bedeutung des Bluts" (published in "Sitzungsberichte für Gerichtliche Medizin," and in Virchow's "Archiv," 1875), he discussed, from a hygienic and humanitarian standpoint, the eventual effects of a general introduction of the Jewish method of slaughtering, and of the dietary laws.

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Kornfeld, Hermann'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​k/kornfeld-hermann.html. 1901.