Bible Encyclopedias
L�nczy, Leo

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hungarian deputy and financier; born in 1852. After having been connected for several years with the Anglo-Hungarian Bank and the Ungarische Boden-Credit-Gesellschaft, he was elected in 1881 director-general of the Hungarian Bank of Commerce, in which capacity he contributed greatly to the promotion of Hungarian commerce, and exerted an important influence on the commercial policy of the country. He was especially successful in enlarging Hungarian credit in foreign countries, and in making the finances of Hungary independent of those of Vienna. In 1893 the district of Zsolna returned him to the Hungarian parliament, where he took a prominent part in the currency conferences; and in 1896 he was member of the parliament as deputy of the city of Miskolcz. L�nczy received in 1891 the Order of the Iron Crown, and subsequently the "Comthur-Kreuz" of the Order of Francis Joseph, in recognition of his services in promoting the MillenniumExposition. In 1902 he received the title of "Hofrath." L�nczy is a convert to Christianity.

L. V.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'L�nczy, Leo'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​l/lanczy-leo.html. 1901.