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Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Talmud Commentaries

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Earliest Attempts.

The commentaries on the Talmud constitute only a small part of halakic literature in comparison with the responsa literature and the commentaries on the codices. At the time when the Talmud was concluded the traditional literature was still so fresh in the memory of scholars that there was no need of writing Talmudic commentaries, nor were such works undertaken in the first period of the gaonate. Pal?oi Gaon (c. 840) was the first who in his responsa offered verbal and textual comments on the Talmud. ?ema? b. Pal?oi (c. 872) paraphrased and explained the passages which he quoted; and he composed, as an aid to the study of the Talmud, a lexicon which Abraham Zacuto consulted in the fifteenth century. Saadia Gaon is said to have composed commentaries on the Talmud, aside from his Arabic commentaries on the Mishnah (Benjacob, "O?ar ha-Sefarim," p. 181, No. 430). According to the Karaite Solomon b. Jeroham, a commentary on Yerushalmi by Ephraim b. Jacob existed as early as the time of Saadia, although this is highly improbable (Pinsker, "Li??u?e ?admoniyyot," Supplement, p. 4; Poznanski, in "Kaufmann Gedenkbuch," p. 182).


The last three great geonim, Sherira, Hai, and Samuel b. ?ofni, did much in this field. Most of Sherira's comments were explanations of difficult terms. Many of these are quoted by Abu al-Walid (Bacher, "Leben und Werke des Abulwalid Merw�n ibn G?n??," etc., p. 85). It appears from the quotations in the "'Aruk" that Hai Gaon wrote commentaries on at least eleven treatises (Kohut, "Aruch Completum," et seq.). Abu al-Walid quotes Hai's commentary on Shabbat (Bacher, c. p. 87). In the eleventh century commentaries on the Talmud were composed not only in Babylon but also in Africa, Spain, and Germany. In the first half of that century Nissim b. Jacob, of Kairwan in northern Africa, composed his "Kitab Mifta? Maghali? al-Talmud" (Hebr. title, "Sefer Maftea? Man'ule ha-Talmud" = "Key to the Locks of the Talmud"), a commentary in which he explains difficult passages by references to parallel ones and occasionally to Yerushalmi also. The work of Hananeel b. ?ushiel corresponds more to a commentary in the exact sense of the term. He sums up the Talmudic discussions, perhaps in order to facilitate the halakic decision, devoting his attention principally to determining the correct text of the Talmud. The first teachers in Spain, Enoch ben Moses, Joseph ibn Abitur, Isaac ibn Ghayyat, and Isaac Albargeloni, are also known to have composed commentaries on the Talmud (Weiss, "Dor," 4:276 et seq.). Na?mani quotes Talmudic comments from a work by Samuel ha Nagid (Benjacob, c. No. 481). According to a not entirely authenticated statement (ib. No. 247), the famous exegete Abraham ibn Ezra composed a commentary on the treatise ?iddushin. In Germany, Gershom b. Judah engaged in similar labors, though his commentaries have come to light only in the last century: they appear to have been the chief sources used by Rashi (1040-1105), the greatest commentator of the Talmud. Although Rashi drew upon all his predecessors, yet his originality in using the material offered by them has always been admired. His commentaries, in turn, became the basis of the work of his pupils and successors, who composed a large number of supplementary works that were partly in emendation and partly in explanation of Rashi's, and are known under the title "tosafot." These works were printed together with Rashi's commentaries in the first editions of single Talmud treatises, and then in the collective editions. The tosafot included in the present editions are taken from various collections. There are tosafot of Sens, tosafot of Evreux, tosafot of Touques, etc. (Winter and W�nsche, "Die J�dische Litteratur," 2:465). Instead of the simple, strictly logical method of exegesis a dialectic method showing great acumen is frequently employed in the tosafot. Originating in the German and French schools, and thence adopted by the Spanish and Arabic, it found in the following centuries (13th to 15th) brilliant representatives in Moses b. Na?man, Solomon ben Adret, and others in Spain, as well as in various scholars in Turkey, although the Oriental Jews generally followed the simple method of Talmud study. The commentators are called "rishonim" (elders) down to the sixteenth century, and subsequently "a?aronim" (juniors).

Method of ?illu?im.

In the sixteenth century the hair-splitting dialectic study of the Talmud known as the PILPUL came to the fore. The method called "?illu?," originating in Augsburg and Nuremberg, claimed chief attention, especially through the influence of Jacob Pollak of Poland, that country becoming in the course of the century the principal center of the study of the Talmud. Special rules were formulated for composing the ?illu?im (Jellinek, in Keller's "Bikkurim," 1:3). It is frequently intimated in subsequent pilpulistic works that the author himself regards his expositions as artificial, though he believes them to contain a grain of truth. This method still dominates to some extent the study of the Talmud in the eastern countries of Europe. But Jewish science demands a scientific treatment of the Talmud�an examination of its sources and parallel passages from a historical, archeological, and philological point of view, a methodical analysis of its text, and a comparative study of it by the side of other monuments of antiquity.

Palestinian Talmud.

The Palestinian Talmud was studied much less than the Babylonian, although occasional comments on Yerushalmi are found in Alfasi and other earlier authorities, especially in the commentary of Samson of Sens on the mishnaic order Zera'im. The first connected commentary on many treatises of Yerushalmi was composed in the seventeenth century by R. Joshua Benveniste, who had at hand R. Solomon Sirillo's commentary on certain treatises. ElijahFulda commentated in 1710 the order Zera'im and part of the order Nezi?in. The greater part of Yerushalmi was edited about the middle of the eighteenth century by Mendelssohn's teacher David Fr�nkel; and a complete commentary was written by Moses Margolioth. Noteworthy as commentators in the nineteenth century are Nahum Trebitsch and Zacharias Frankel.

The commentaries on Babli may be divided into: (1) "perushim," running commentaries accompanying the text; (2) "tosafot" (additions), glosses on Rashi's commentary; (3) "?iddushim" (novell�), explicit comments on certain passages of the Talmud text; and (4) "haggahot," or marginal glosses. As appears from the following chronological list, the treatises Seder Mo'ed, Nashim, and ?ullin, which deal particularly with the religious life and which were therefore made special subjects of study and instruction, were most frequently commentated, while the Seder ?odashim is less often made the subject of comment. In the subjoined list only the edited commentaries are enumerated, no note being taken of treatises on which there are no commentaries. The letter "W" indicates the Wilna (Widow & Brothers Romm) Talmud edition of 1886.

Chronological List of Commentators on Both Talmudim.

Eleventh Century.Twelfth to Fifteenth Century.Sixteenth Century.
  1. Jacob be-Rab (d. 1546), ?iddushim (Ket., ?id.), in his responsa, Venice, 1663.
  2. Joshua Boaz Baruch, the indexes , , Venice.
  3. Mattathias Delacrut, ?iddushim ('Er.), Lublin.
  4. Joseph ibn Leb, ?iddushim (Ket., B. ?., Sheb., Constantinople, 1561; Gi?., ib. 1573). Solomon Luria (d. 1573), (Be?ah, Lublin, 1638; Yeb., Altona, 1740; ?id., Berlin, 1766; Ket., Lemberg, 1862; Gi?., Berlin, 1761; ?ul., Cracow, 1615); on nineteen treatises, Cracow, 1581.
  5. Judah b. Moses, , Constantinople.
  6. Jacob (Be?ah), Jerusalem, 1865.
  7. Samuel Jaffe Ashkenazi, on the haggadot of Yerushalmi, Venice, 1590.Abraham Burjil, (Yeb., Ket., B. ?., Bik.), ib. 1605.
  8. Joseph ibn Ezra, (?id.), Salonica. Bezaleel Ashkenazi, (Ber., Warsaw, 1863; Be?ah, Constantinople, 1731; Ket., ib. 1738; Naz., Leghorn, 1774; So?ah, ib. 1800; B. ?., Venice, 1762; B. M., Amsterdam, 1726; B. B., Lemberg, 1809; Seder ?odashim, excepting ?ul., in W.).
Seventeenth Century.
  1. Samuel b. Eleazer, ?iddushim (Ket., Gi?.), Prossnitz.
  2. Jedidiah Galante, ?iddushim (Be?ah, Yeb., Gi?., B. ?., 'Ab. Zarah), Venice.
  3. Abraham ?ayyim Shor, ('Er., Pes., B. ?., B. M., B. B. Sanh., Sheb., 'Ab. Zarah, ?ul.), Lublin; (Seder ?odashim), Wandsbeck, 1729. Mordecai Jaffe (d. 1611), (glosses); in W. Moses b. Isaiah, ?iddushim (Zeb.), Berlin, 1701.
  4. Samuel Edels, ?iddushim ( on all treatises), Lublin.
  5. Issachar B�r, (Hor., Ker., So?ah, ?ul.), Venice.
  6. Me�r Lublin, (on most of the treatises), ib. Isaac ha-Levi, ?iddushim (Sheb., Be?ab, Yeb., ?id., Ket., 'Ab. Zarah, ?ul.), Neuwied, 1736. Abraham di Boton (d. 1625), ?iddushim (B. ?., in ), Venice, 1599. Joseph di Trani (d. 1639), ?iddushim (?id.), ib. 1645. Joel Sirkes (d. 1640), haggahot; in W. Joshua b. Solomon (d. 1648), (Shab., Pes., Be?ah, Yeb., Ket., ?id., B. ?., ?ul.), Amsterdam, 1715. Lipmann Heller (d. 1654), (notes); in W.
  7. ?iyya Rofe, (on nineteen treatises), Venice.
  8. Mordecai Kremsier, (on the haggadot of Ber.), Amsterdam.
  9. Joshua Benveniste, (Yer. Zera'im, Constantinople, 1662; Mo'ed, Nashim Nezi?in, ib. 1754).Me�r Schiff b. Jacob, ?iddushe halakot (, , Sheb., Be?ah, Ket., Gi?., B. ?., B. M., B. B., Sanh., Zeb., ?ul.), Zolkiev, 1826, and in the editions.Joshua H�schel (d. 1663), ?iddushim (B. ?., B. M., B. B.), Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1725.
  10. Solomon Algazi, ('Ab. Zarah, Ber., ?ul., Venice, 1664; , Salonica, 1655; and , Constantinople, 1683; on haggadot).
  11. Aaron Samuel Kaidanover, (Zeb., Men., 'Er., Ker., Tem., Me'), Amsterdam, 1669; (Pes., Be?ah, Yeb., Ket., Gi?., B. ?., B. M., ?ul.), Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1696.
  12. Jonah Teomim (d. 1699), (on thirteen treatises), Amsterdam.
  13. Moses Benveniste of Segovia, (Ber., Seder Mo'ed), Smyrna.?ayyim ben Israel Benveniste (d. 1673), (Sanh.), Leghorn, 1802.
  14. Samuel Eliezer b. Judah, ?iddushe aggadot, Frankfort.
  15. Isaac Benjamin Wolf, ?iddushim (B. M.), ib.Moses ibn ?abib (d. 1696), (R. H., Yoma, Suk.), Constantinople, 1727.
  16. Moses b. Simeon, (Ber., Seder Mo'ed), Prague.
  17. Judah b. Nissan, (Yeb., Ket., ?id., Gi?., B. ?., B. M., B. B., ?ul.), with ?iddushim of David Oppenheim, Dessau.
  18. Naphtali Cohen, (Ber.), Frankfort.
  19. Samuel ?arfati, (Ber., 'Er., Be?ah, R. H., B. ?., Hor.), Amsterdam.Me�r Schiff b. Soloman, (Ber., Sheb., Be?ah, Pes., Men.), F�rth, 1798.Baruch Angel, ?iddushim (Ket., Gi?., B. ?., B. M., Sheb., 'Ab. Zarah, ?ul.), Salonica, 1717.Nehemiah b. Abraham Feiwel Duschnitz, (on twelve treatises), Amsterdam, 1694.Judah Liva b. Bezaleel (Shab., 'Er., Pes.), Lemberg, 1861.
Eighteenth Century.
  1. Joseph b. Jacob, (on the haggadah), Amsterdam.Elijah Spira (d. 1712), (?id., Ket., Gi?., B. ?., B. M., ?ul.), F�rth, 1768.Abraham Broda (d. 1717), (Pes., Gi?., B. M., B. B.), Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1747; (?id., Ket.), F�rth, 1769; ?iddushim (B. ?., B. M., Sanh. in ), Offenbach, 1723.
  2. Elijah b. Judah, perush on Yer. Zera'im and She?., Amsterdam, 1710; B. ?., B. M., B. B., Frankfort, 1742.
  3. Abraham Naphtali Spitz, (on most of the treatises), Frankfort-on-the-Main.
  4. Samuel Shotten, (Seder Nezi?in, excepting Hor.), ib.
  5. Akiba b. Judah L�b, (Ket.), ib.
  6. Me�r Eisenstadt (d. 1744), (part , Zeb., Shab., ?ul., Amsterdam, 1715; part , Gi?., Sulzbach, 1733; part , ?id., Be?ah, ib. 1738; also B. ?., Sudilkov, 1832).Joseph ha-Kohen Tanuji (d. 1720), (B. ?., B.M., 'Ab. Zarah), Leghorn, 1793.
  7. Solomon Kohen, ?iddushim (on eleven treatises), Wilmersdorf.
  8. Samuel di Avila, (Naz.), Amsterdam. Menahem Nahum b. Jacob, (on fourteen treatises), Dyhernfurth, 1726.
  9. Johanan Kremnitzer, (Naz.), Berlin.
  10. Elijah b. Jacob, (Pes., ?id., Ket., Gi?., B. ?.), Wandsbeck.Elijah ha-Kohen (d. 1729), (Yer. Zera'im), Smyrna, 1755.
  11. Judah of Gross-Glogau, (on most of the treatises), Amsterdam.
  12. Jacob b. Joseph Reischer, (on haggadot), Wilmersdorf.
  13. Menahem Manuele, (on most of the treatises), Wandsbeck.
  14. Isaac b. David, (Ber., Seder Mo'ed), Amsterdam.Jacob b. Joseph Kremer, (R. H., Amsterdam, 1731; Meg., Altona, 1735).Aryeh L�b b. Asher, (Ta'an.), Wilna, 1862; (R. H., ?ag., Meg.), Metz, 1781.
  15. Selig b. Phoebus, (on haggadot), Offenbach.
  16. Ephraim b. Samuel, (on most of the treatises), Altona.
  17. ?ebi Hirsch b. Joshua, (Yeb., Ket., ?id., B. ?., B. M., ?ul.), Prague.
  18. Jacob Joshua Falk (d. 1756), (Ket., Gi?., ?id., Amsterdam, 1739; Ber., Shab., Pes., R. H., Suk., Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1752; B. ?., B. M., ib. 1756; ?ul., Mak., Sheb., F�rth, 1780).
  19. Shabbethai b. Moses, (on most of the treatises), F�rth.
  20. Israel b. Moses, (on the mathematical passages), Frankfort-on-the-Oder.
  21. David Fr�nkel, and (Yer. Seder Mo'ed, Dessau, 1743; Seder Nashim, ib. 1757).
  22. Moses Margolioth, (Yer. Nashim, Amsterdam, 1750; Nezi?in, Leghorn, 1770).
  23. Jacob Samosc, (Ber., Suk., Be?ah, ?id., B. ?., B. M., Sheb.), R�delheim.
  24. Aaron b. Nathan, (on most of the treatises), Zolkiev.
  25. ?ayyim Joseph David Azulai, (Hor.), Leghorn.Akiba Eger (d. 1758), (Ber., Shab., 'Er., Pes., Be?ah, Suk., Yeb., Ket., ?id., Gi?., Seder Nezi?in, Seder ?odashim, Niddah), F�rth, 1781.
  26. Joseph b. Me�r Teomim (d. 1793), (Yeb., Ket.). Zolkiev, 1757; (?ul., Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1794; Sheb., Meg., Lemberg, 1863).
  27. Isaiah Berlin, and (notes on all the treatises: ?iddushim on Naz.), n.p.; haggahot in W.
  28. Joseph Darmstadt, (Ber., Be?ah, Meg.), Carlsruhe.Jonathan Eybesch�tz (d. 1764), (on most of the treatises), Piotrkow, 1897.
  29. Isaac Ashkenazi, (Gi?., Ket., B. ?.), Salonica.
  30. Isaac Nu�ez-Vaez, (Yoma, Leghorn, 1766; ?ag., ib. 1794).Jacob Emden (d. 1776), glosses; in W.
  31. Elijah Sidlov, (Zeb., Men., Tem.), F�rth, 1776.
  32. Eleazar Kallir (d. 1801), (Pes., Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1776; ?id., Vienna, 1799).Judah Lissa, (Zeb.), Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1776; (Men.), Prague, 1788.
  33. Itzig b. Samson, (Yoma, Be?ah, Sheb., ?ul., 'Ar., Tem., Me', Ker.), Sulzbach.
  34. Saul b. Aryeh (d. 1790), (on fourteen treatises), Amsterdam.
  35. Raphael Peiser, (Pes., Shab., Be?ah, Ket., R. H., ?ul.), Dyhernfurth, 1778; (?id., Gi?.), ib. 1805.
  36. Eliezer de Avila, (, B. M., Hor.; , Ket., ?id., Leghorn, 1781-85).
  37. Nathan Maas, (Sanh., Offenbach, 1784; 'Ab. Zarah, ib. 1796).
  38. Ezekiel Landau (Pes., Prague, 1784; Ber., ib. 1791; Be?ah, ib. 1799; Sheb., 'Er., Warsaw, 1879; R. H., Yoma, Suk., Ta'an., Hag., Meg., ib. 1890; ?ul., Zeb., Men., ib. 1891); glosses; in W.Elijah Wilna (d. 1797), glosses and elucidations of both Talmudim in various editions.
  39. Moses Katz, (She?.), F�rth.
  40. Phinehas Horwitz, (part , Ket., Offenbach, 1786; part , ?id., ib. 1801; part , Ber., Munkacs, 1895).
  41. Me�r Barby, ?iddushe halakot (, Be?ah, Pes., ?id., Ket., Dyhernfurth, 1786; , Yoma, Suk., Gi?., ?ul., Sheb., Prague, 1793).Uziel Meisels, (Sheb.), Lemberg, 1886.
  42. Wolf Lasch, (, , Ket., ?id., Gi?., Br?nn, 1788; Vienna, 1829).
  43. Joseph David Sinzheim, (Ber., entire Seder Mo'ed), Offenbach.David Schiff (d. 1792), (on most of the treatises), ib. 1822.
  44. Levi Pollak, (B. ?., B. M., B. B., Sheb., 'Ab. Zarah), Prague.
  45. Isaac b. ?ebi, (Zeb.), Lemberg.
  46. Me�r Spitz, (R. H., Yoma, Suk., Meg., Ta'an.), Vienna.
  47. Judah Najar, (Sheb.), Leghorn, 1794; (Ker.), Pisa, 1816.
  48. Baruch b. Samuel Zanwil, (Ket.), Vienna, 1796.
  49. Joseph b. Moses, (B. ?.), Lemberg.
  50. Elijah Ventura, (on twenty-one treatises), Salonica.Aryeh Judah L�b Teomim, (Ber., Shab., Pes., Be?ah, ?ul., ?id., Sheb.), Zolkiev, 1802.?ayyim Shabbethai Lago, (Ber., Pes., ?id., Sanh., ?ul.), Salonica, 1801.Abraham b. Jacob Mutal, (Naz.), n.p., 1821.?ayyim Abraham. b. Samuel, ?iddushim (Shab., R. H., Suk., ?ul.), Salonica, 1804.
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
  1. ?ebi Hirsch Horwitz, (14 treatises), Offenbach.
  2. Eleazar Karpeles, (Hor.), Prague; (?ul., 'Ar.), ib. 1815.
  3. Bezaleel Ronsburg, (Hor.), Prague; , notes, in W.
  4. Eleazar L�w, (Ber., Pes., Be?ah), Prague.
  5. Abraham Aryeh Kahana, (on most of the treatises), Ostrog.
  6. Me�r Schlesinger, (Shab., R. H., Gi?., B. M.), Prague.
  7. Jacob Simeon Shabbethai, (Meg., Ta'an.), Pisa, 1821; (Ker.), ib. 1811.
  8. Jacob G�nzburg, (Ber., Shab.), Prague.
  9. Benedetto Frizzi, (on haggadot), Leghorn.
  10. Nahum Trebitsch, (Yer. Seder Mo'ed), Vienna.
  11. David Deutsch, (on most of the treatises), Vienna, 1822, 1825; Presburg, 1836; Ungvar, 1867.Moses Sofer, (Be?ah, Piotrkow, 1898; B. B., ib. 1896; Shab., Vienna, 1889; ?ul., Gi?., ib. 1893; Pes., Jerusalem, 1894); haggahot in W.
  12. Gabriel Cohen, (B. B., Sheb.), Vienna.
  13. Jacob Lissa, (Ket.), Hrubisov.
  14. Marcus Hirsch, (Seder Mo'ed excepting Shab., 'Er., ?ag.), Prague.Shalom Ullmann (d. 1825), (on most of the treatises), Vienna, 1826.Akiba Eger (d. 1837), (Ber., Seder Mo'ed, Yeb., Ket.), Warsaw, 1892; (B. M., Gi?.), Berlin, 1858; notes in W.
  15. ?ebi Hirsch Leipnik, (Ber., Shab., 'Er., Pes., Be?ah, Ket., ?id., Gi?., B. M., Ker., Zeb.), Ofen.Isaac Ardit, ('Ar.), Salonica, 1828.
  16. Jacob Weiler, ('Er.), Zolkiev.Aaron Kuttner (d. 1829), (Nid.), Paks, 1901.Cosman Wodianer (d. 1831), (2 parts, on most of the treatises), ed. Bacher, Vienna, 1890.?ebi Hirsch Heller, (Gi?.), Zolkiev, 1844.
  17. Solomon Kluger, (Niddah), Zolkiev 1834; (Be?ah), Lemberg, 1891.Ezekiel Binet (d. 1836), (Shab., Pes., Be?ah, Kid., Gi?., Mek., ?ul.), Paks, 1899.Wolf B�r Schiff (d. 1842), ('Er.), Cracow, 1894.Koppel Reich, , Presburg, 1837.Benjamin Rapoport, (Mak.), Vienna, 1839.
  18. Hirsch Chajes, haggahot; in W.Aryeh Judah b. Akiba, (?ul.), Lemberg, 1861.
  19. Samuel Freund, (Seder Mo'ed), Prague.
  20. Jacob Ettlinger (d. 1869), (Ker., Altona, 1850; Yeb., ib. 1854; R. H., Sanh., Warsaw, 1873); (Suk.), Altona, 1858.
  21. David b. Samuel, (Seder ?odashim), Leghorn, 1851; (Naz.), Algiers, 1853.
  22. Isaac Kamarun, (She?.), Lemberg.
  23. Nathan Coronel, (Ber.), Vienna.
  24. Issachar B�r ben Sinai, (on most of the treatises), Vienna, 1857.
  25. Wiesner, scholia on Babli (part , Ber., Prague, 1859; part , Shab., ib. 1862; part , 'Er., Pes., ib. 1867).
  26. Zeeb Ettinger and Joseph Nathansohn, , (glosses, etc., on Yer.), Jitomir.
  27. Ezekiel b. Moses, (Ket., Ned.), Warsaw.Mordecai M�ller, (Shab.), Vienna.
  28. Weissman Chajes, Solomon Brann, Judel Slabatki, notes on Yer., Krotoschin.
  29. Mordecai Herzka, (Ber.), Vienna. Issachar Pr�ger, (Gi?.), Lemberg.
  30. A. Krochmal, (notes on Yer.), Lemberg.
  31. 1867-97. Rabbinovicz, , - (variant readings on the entire Talmud), Munich and Przemysl.
  32. Aryeh L�b Zunz, (Gi?.), Warsaw. Joshua Eizik, (Yer. Seder Nezi?in), Wilna.
  33. Zacharias Frankel, (, Yer. Ber., Be?ah; , Dem.), Breslau, 1874-75.
  34. Asher Cohen, (Naz.), Warsaw.
  35. Raphael Schlesinger, (Sanh., Sheb.), Berlin.
  36. Naphtali ?ebi ha-Levi, (Gi?.), Przemysl.
  37. I. ?ayyim Deiches, (Yer. B. ?.), Wilna.
  38. Benjamin ?eshin, (Seder Nezi?in, ?odashim), Warsaw.
  39. Me�r Friedmann, notes on his edition of Mak., Vienna.
  40. A. Schmidl, (?id.), in "O?ar ha-Sifrut," -
  41. Simon Sidon, (Be?ah), Vienna.
  42. I. Lewy, interpretation of the first three sections of Yer. Nezi?in, Breslau, 1895-1902.
  43. S. L. Brill, "Aus den Talmudischen Randnoten des . . . von Ludwig Blau," in "Monatsschrift," 1897.
  44. Isaac Chajes, (Mak.), Podgorze.
  45. 1897-1903. Joseph D�nner, haggahot (, 'Er., Be?ah, Suk.; , Ket., ?id., Gi?.; , Sanh., Mak., Sheb., Hor.), Frankfort.
  46. Dob Baer Ratner, (on Yer. Ber., Shab., Ter., ?al.), Wilna, 1901-4.
  47. Sal. Friedl�nder, and (on Yer. Yeb.), Szinervareya.
  • Weiss, Dor, , , Vienna, 1887, 1891;
  • Zunz, Z. G. pp. 29-59, Berlin, 1845;
  • Jellinek, ?orot Seder ha-Limmud, in Keller's Bikkurim (Vienna), 1:1-26, 2:1-19;
  • idem, ?on?res ha-Mefaresh, Vienna, 1877;
  • Frankel, Introductio in Talmud Hierosolymitanum, pp. 138-141, Breslau, 1870;
  • Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. passim;
  • Zedner, Cat. Hebr. Books Brit. Mus. passim;
  • F�rst, Bibl. Jud. passim.
W. B.
M. Ri.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Talmud Commentaries'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia. https://www.studylight.org/​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​t/talmud-commentaries.html. 1901.
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