Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Austrian author; born in Vienna March 21, 1818; died at Salzburg in 1888. After leaving the University of Vienna in 1844 he entered the field of journalism, in which his influence helped to establish a more liberal régime. He founded several journals, including "Das Wiener Feuilleton" (1853; belles-lettres), "Der Komet" (Vienna, 1853; humor), and "Die Komische Welt," edited the comic album "Brausepulver" (Vienna and Leipsic, 1847 and 1848), and wrote for "Fliegende Blätter," "Ueber Land und Meer" ("Wiener Croquis," a humorous chronicle of Vienna life), "Bauerle's Theaterzeitung "(letters of travel from 1855), and other publications. Most of his poems are in dialect, of which he was a master, and many of his songs have been set to music. Toward the end of his life he left Baden bei Wien, where he had long lived, and settled at Salzburg.

The following works of Barach may be mentioned: Bilder, Lieder, und Geschichten," in dialect (Berlin, 1854); "Liederbuch ohne Goldschnitt" (Dresden, 1856); "Satans Leier" (Prague, 1860); "Spottvögel (ib. 1864); "Geistergestalten aus dem Alten Wien" (Vienna, 1868); "Schattenspiele aus dem Alten und Neuen Wien" and "Bitt' Gar Schön, Singa Lass'n!" poems in the Salzburg dialect (1878); "Lachende Geschichten" (4 vols., 1880-81); "Weltlust: Historietten, Schwänke und Lieder eines Heitern Vagranten" (Leipsic, 1883); "Alt-Wien: Bilder und Geschichten" (ib. 1885); "Ein Neuer Decamerone" (ib. 1887); and the following comedies: "Fritz Nürnberger," "Die Frau Professorin," "Zur Statistik der Frauen (ib. 1869, in one act), "Lucretia Borgia" (with Otto Prechtler), "Der Biberhof," "Eine Million für einen Erben" (with L. Feldmann).

N. D.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Märzroth'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​m/marzroth.html. 1901.