Bible Encyclopedias
Palágyi, Ludwig

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hungarian poet; born at Becse April 15, 1866; educated privately by his father, a former public school-teacher, and by his elder brother Melchior Palágyi. He began to write at the age of thirteen, his first poem appearing in 1879 in the "Magyar Népbarát." He soon became a contributor to the literary periodicals "Vasárnapi Ujság," "Országvilág," "Magyar Szalón," "Fövárosi Lapok," and "Képes Családi Lapok," and in 1890 he won the prize of 100 ducats offered by the Petöfi Society for a poem to be recited at the monument of the thirteen martyrs. In recognition of his services to the Hungarian language he was appointed professor at the State Teachers' Seminary for women at Budapest.

Palágyi's works include: "Humoros Költemények," Esztergom, 1888; "Küzdelmes Evek," Budapest,1890; "Komor Napok," ib. 1890; "Magányos Uton," ib. 1893; "Az Ifjú Szerzetes" (ib. 1894), a philosophical poem; "Nemzeti Dalok," ib. 1895; "Bibliai Emlékek," ib. 1896; "A Rabszolga," a tragedy which won the prize of the Hungarian Academy in 1902.

L. V.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Palágyi, Ludwig'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​p/palagyi-ludwig.html. 1901.