Bible Encyclopedias
Palágyi, Melchior

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hungarian writer; born at Paks Dec. 26, 1859. He received his primary instruction from his father, and then attended the lyceums at Temesvar and Kassa. In 1877 he went to the School of Technology at Budapest, where he passed his examination as secondary school-teacher in mathematics and physics in 1881. Five years later he became professor in a commercial school at Budapest.

While still a student Palágyi wrote a mathematcal treatise which was published in 1880 by the Academy of Sciences; but he subsequently took up the study of philosophy. His works include: "Az Esz Törvénye," Budapest, 1896; "A Hellenismus és a Philonismus Kosmogeniája," ib. 1899; "Neue Theorie des Raumes und der Zeit," Leipsic, 1901; "Der Streit der Psychologisten und Formalisten in der Modernen Logik," ib. 1902; "Die Logik auf dem Scheidewege," ib. 1902; "Kant und Bolzano," Halle, 1902; and minor contributions to ethics and esthetics.

In 1882 Palágyi edited the "Irodalmi Lapok," in 1887 the "Uj Nemzedék"; in 1896 he published the review "Jelenkor." Palágyi embraced Christianity.

L. V.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Palágyi, Melchior'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​p/palagyi-melchior.html. 1901.