Bible Encyclopedias
Pe�aforte, Raymund de

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Chaplain to Pope Alexander IV.; grand master of the Dominican order until 1240; confessor of James I. of Aragon; lived in Barcelona. His principal aim was to convert Jews and Mohammedans to Christianity, and for the furtherance of this aim he caused both Arabic and Hebrew to be taught in the higher schools conducted by Dominicans. He exercised great influence over King James as his confessor and succeeded in persuading him to order a public debate, concerning Judaism and Christianity, between Moses ben Na?man, called "El Rab de Espa�a," Astruc de Porta, a rabbi in Gerona, and Fra Pablo, or Pablo Christiani, a baptized Jew of Montpellier who belonged to the Dominican order. In this debate, which took place in the royal palace at Barcelona. (July 20-24, 1263), in the presence of the king and of many of the higher clergy, Raymund de Pe�aforte took an important part. He was at the head of the theologians present, and in agreement with the king gave the rabbi perfect freedom of speech. When Raymund observed to Moses ben Na?man that he must not allow himself to blaspheme Christianity, Moses answered that he knew what the laws of propriety demanded. On the Sabbath following the close of the debate the king, together with many preaching friars and other clergy, visited the synagogue, where Raymund de Pe�aforte delivered an address on the Trinity, which Moses ben Na?man successfully refuted.

The debate was not without injurious effects. Raymund de Pe�aforte obtained from the king not only permission for his prot�g� Pablo Christiani to continue his missionary journeys, but also the command that the Jews in all parts of his land, including children, old men, and women, should be compelled to listen to the sermons of Pablo and of all other Dominicans, and, within three months, to strike out from their books all that was contained in them against the Christian religion. The censory commission appointed therefor consisted of Arnoldo de Guerbo (Bishop of Barcelona), Raymund de Pe�aforte, and the Dominicans Arnoldo de Legarra, Raymund Martin (author of "Pugio Fidei"), and Pedro de Janua (Genoa).

M. K.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Pe�aforte, Raymund de'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​p/pea-aforte-raymund-de.html. 1901.