Bible Encyclopedias
Politzer, Adam

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Austrian aurist; born at Alberti-Irsa, Hungary, Oct. 1, 1835; studied medicine at the University of Vienna, receiving his diploma in 1859 and becoming assistant at the university hospital. Politzer established himself as a physician in the Austrian capital; was admitted to the medical faculty of the university there as privatdocent in aural surgery in 1861; became assistant professor in 1870; was chief of the aural surgical clinic in 1873, and professor in 1895.

Politzer has arranged a well-known anatomical and pathological museum for the aural-surgical clinic. He has written many essays for the medical journals, and is the author of: "Die Beleuchtungsbilder des Trommelfells," Vienna, 1865; "Zehn Wandtafeln zur Anatomie des Geh�rorgans," ib. 1873; "Atlas der Beleuchtungsbilder des Trommelfells" (containing 14 colored tables and 392 diagrams and illustrations), ib. 1876; "Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde," Stuttgart, 1878 (4th ed. 1902); "Die Anatomische Zergliederung des Menschlichen Geh�rorgansim Normalen und Kranken Zustande," ib. 1889.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Politzer, Adam'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​p/politzer-adam.html. 1901.