Bible Encyclopedias
Samun, Joseph ?ayyim Ibn

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Italian Talmudist; lived at Leghorn in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He was the author of "'Edut bi-Yehosef" (Leghorn, 1800), in two volumes, the first containing novell� on the Talmudical treatise Baba Me?i'a, and the second a collection of responsa. To the work is appended "Le?a? ?ob," containing novell� and responsa by the author's son Shem-?ob, rabbi of Leghorn (comp. Steinschneider, "Cat. Bodl." col. 2533; Mortara, "Indice," p. 58).

E. C.
I. Br.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Samun, Joseph ?ayyim Ibn'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/samun-joseph-aayyim-ibn.html. 1901.